Get started in HOGScan

HOGScan Basic How-Tos


Log in

  1. Go to
  2. Enter you email address and password
  3. If you have never logged in before, follow the link that was sent to you and update/set your password. I don’t know if there are restriction on the length or characters you can use, but make it something you can remember and something that no one else can guess or hack.

The menu items on the right (Black text on white background) is where you should start to navigating and learning the website.

Home page

HOGScan Home Page

  1. Home will take you back to this page
  2. About Us talks about what the Chapter is about and has serveral subcategoies, instructions and help for new members, safety, policies, etc.
  3. Calendar is where all the events are scheduled
    • Click on an event on calendar and click the RSVP to sign up for the event.  You can also so this on the phone app
    • In general is you want to create an event send an email to an primary officer, activity officer, or road captain (there can be more than one and we will start listing those as people volunteer for those duties)
    • If you are a primary office, road captain, or activities officer you can check people in to the event you are running (you do not have to be the creator of the event)
    • Events will be assigned points, these points will take the place of HOG Bucks and at the Christmas Party and tickets will be drawn like every prior year.
  4. Galleries is where we post pictures, forward any pictures you have of Chapter events to a primary office, activities officer, or road captain to post.
    • Pictures last in are visible and push others that will not fit to another page.
  5. Blog is where we can post stories, not sure how we will use that or what the content will be but if we had an editor that might be where they would post interesting stories
  6. My Account opens your profile page, you can view, edit view check-ins, or see events you RSVP’ed to
    • Please update your profile with as much information as you like, phone numbers are important as we use text to warn of last minute cancellations of events
  7. File browser show the pages we have created (I haven’t used this much)